On September 4, 1517, the 500th anniversary of the REFORMATIONS, Marcin Luther published his position against the sale of indulgences. His famous 95 theses, no longer against indulgences, but such and similar abuses, were sent to German bishops on 31 October 1517, contrary to popular belief, not nailed to the door of the church in Wittenberg. Martin Luther, who by his act did not want to break with the Catholic Church - and only called for discussion and theological consideration of the matter - as it later turned out, began a movement that we today call the Reformation. Soon, thanks to the invention of printing, his theses were widely known throughout Germany. Initially, Pope Leo X considered Luther's speech to be an irrelevant fact, but thanks to the broad echoes t he called Luther to Rome in order to force him to revoke his theses. According to an old proverb - Roma locuta, causa finita - Rome said, the matter was over, there was no discussion. This led to Luther's separation from the Catholic Church and the initiation of a religious-political movement aimed at the renewal of Christianity. These significant event took place exactly 500 years ago.